Page 24 - Vol.38-No.1
P. 24



                               COMMUNITIES IN ANGOLA

                                            people including Governor Norberto   The tractor and implements will be
                                            Fernandes dos Santos Kwata Kwanawa   used in the fields of each village, cover-
                                            and farmers from both Canda and Dala   ing approximately 200 hectares in total.
                                            Dungue.                              The Case IH tractor donation was
                                              José Dias da Costa, General Manager   part of the CNH Industrial Sustaina-
          Case IH has donated a new JX75T   of Multiauto, said the ceremony focused   bility Program which promotes the
        tractor to the Angolan rural commu-  on the development of these local com-  social and economic development of
        nities of Canda and Dala Dungue for   munities and the impact this kind of   local communities through a focus on
        the purpose of helping the residents   support may have on their future lives.  eliminating hunger, improving health
        of these villages to grow food  more   “The new machinery will assist the   and wellbeing, and advancing overall
        efficiently and be more sustainable in   communities to increase productivity   quality of life.
        their  farming  practices.          in their current crops as well as allow   Case IH, a brand of CNH Industrial,
          In addition to the tractor donation,   for diversification,” he said.  engages directly with local agricultural
        local Case IH dealer, Multiauto An-   “Currently the local diet is based on   communities in a number of African
        gola LDA, provided a set of three im-  cassava, however this new equipment   countries including Angola, Cameroon,
        plements,  as well  as delivering the   will allow them to grow other vege-  Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tuni-
        necessary operation and daily main-  tables and fruits as well,  which will   sia, and Zimbabwe, to share knowledge
        tenance training. Multiauto will support   improve the health and wellbeing of   and provide training on the moderni-
        the machinery for the next three years   the community.                 sation of agricultural practices.
        with parts and scheduled maintenance.  “In the medium to long term, the ob-  Each initiative represents a huge step
          The tractor and implements  were   jective will be to grow enough food so   forward towards improving workforce
        handed over to the communities at a   they can sell the surplus in the market   skills across rural communities, while
        recent ceremony in Malanje Province,   and generate additional revenue for   ensuring sustainable crop production,
        Angola,  attended  by more  than 50   the villages.”                    and improving food security. Improving
                                                                                food availability and security are main
                                                                                sustainability strategy goals for CNH
                                                                                Industrial, in line with the agenda of
                                                                                the United Nations.
                                                                                 The JX75T tractor is the largest model
                                                                                in Case IH’s JXT range, with a rated en-
                                                                                gine power of 75 horsepower (55 kilo-
                                                                                watts). The tractor is reliable, simple to
                                                                                operate, economic on fuel, and handles
                                                                                a multitude of farming implements with
                                                                                ease, making it perfect for a variety of
                                                                                small-scale farming operations.
                                                                                                   Circle 24 on enquiry card


          Mitas introduces two new High Ca-                                     mounting on standard rims, providing
        pacity (HC) radial tyres designed for                                   an additional cost savings to farmers.
        the next generation of self-propelled                                    The new Mitas tyres give a secure
        agricultural sprayers. The HC 1000 tyre                                 fit even at low pressures, as well as a
        line brings two new NRO (Narrow Rim                                     longer lifespan. “At Mitas, we want to
        Option) sizes, the VF 650/65R38 and                                     provide a reliable solution for all the
        VF 750/60R46, made to handle high                                       work our customers do. Our newest
        load capacities and operating speeds.                                   additions to the HC 1000 range have
                                              The advanced VF (Very High Flex-
          “Our  latest tyres are ready for an   ion) construction delivers clear ben-  already shown tremendous promise for
        entirely new generation of machines,   efits – carrying up to 40% higher load   US original equipment manufacturers
        and  in  size  and  specifications  ready   capacity with better traction, ground   on the latest generation of high-load
        to rise to the challenge,” stated Pavel   protection and crop yields. The special   and self-propelled sprayers. Seeing this
        Kott, Product Manager for Mitas agri-  NRO construction also brings added   initial success, we are excited to bring
        culture tyres.                                                          these tyres to customers worldwide,”
                                            benefits, with the new VF tyres built for
                                                                                added Kott.
        22         Vol. 38 No. 1                      Circle 25 on enquiry card
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