“Greeneration” An Innovative Food Hub Launches in Dubai

Greeneration, a forward-thinking horticulture company specialised in the cultivation of rare crops and ingredient sourcing specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the HoReCa industry, has officially launched in Dubai, introducing an unparalleled range of high-quality, locally grown products to the UAE’s vibrant culinary scene.

Established by a team of seasoned professionals with years of experience in the HoReCa and agriculture sectors, Greeneration, which is located in Dubai Industrial City, is committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of its offerings. Spearheaded by Roman Ulyanov, Founder and Managing Partner, the company brings forth a wealth of expertise from supplying Europe’s finest restaurants to operating a chain of vertical farms in Eastern Europe.

“At Greeneration, we are committed to providing the most extensive range of premium products available in the market,” says Roman Ulyanov. “Our focus is on delivering an array of high-quality offerings, including microgreens, specialty greens, baby leaves and edible flowers, offering chefs and bartenders access to the freshest, locally grown ingredients. We are thrilled to introduce over 70 new types of rare crops to the UAE, grown using top production technology with hydroponic units. This enables us to produce year-round, pesticide-free crops, including some that are exclusive to Greeneration.”

Greeneration has its own farm in Dubai spanning thousands of square meters in Dubai Industrial City, designed by leading agro engineers and food production professionals. The new facility features a multi-layer system of hydroponic equipment, certified with HACCP and ISO standards, guaranteeing the highest levels of quality and safety. It integrates cutting-edge techniques, notably artificial intelligence (AI). Dozens of sensors meticulously collect data, feeding it into their generative AI application. This AI analyzes and refines insights, guiding the team in adjusting growing recipes and managing current cohorts based on real-time observations.

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