Page 7 - Vol.38-No.6
P. 7


                                            staying on the under surface during the day,
                                            run around on the upper surface at night
                                            where they pick up contact insecticide.
                                              This problem can be overcome by always
                                            spraying up and into the cotton plant by
                                            holding the lance with the nozzle project-
                                            ed upwards under the leaf canopy. Alter-
                                            natively growers should use a systemic
                                            insecticide which enters the leaves and   Split cotton bolls with lint exposed and
                                            poisons the pests as they feed.               ready for harvest
             Insect pest control of large areas                                        (Picture courtesy Omex)
            of cotton can carried out by aerial   The other option is to use a knapsack
            application of insecticide (Picture   mistblower, a unit not widely used for  of these insect pests, which are larvae of
             courtesy Dr Roderick Robinson)
                                            applying insecticides to cotton in Africa  moths, can in certain circumstances attack
        and a good shower of rain can seal the  but extensively used in Asia on the Indian  very young plants. They do considerable
        insects in the soil and thereby offer sig-  sub-continent and in South East Asia with  damage by either severing the growing
        nificant natural control.           good effect. The leading edge of the air  point (Helicoverpa) or boring into the shoot
          Applications of contact insecticide using   blast, which reaches the leaves momen-  tip (Earias). Plants are not killed, but the
        knapsack sprayers may give disappointing   tarily before the spray, flips the leaves and  damage caused destroys the ability of af-
        results against many sucking pests because   exposes the undersides to incoming spray.  fected plants to develop a normal shape.
        these sprayers, fitted with hollow-cone   Bollworm pests such the African cotton   This in turn affects the ability of farmers
        nozzles and held in the standard mode,  bollworm and spiny/spotted bollworms   to move easily and comfortably up and
        will deposit most spray on the upper leaf  (Earias sp) is regarded as mid-season   down the rows. Be that as it may the real
        surface, while the insects like aphids and  pests of the cotton plant’s reproductive   onslaught from bollworms comes later in
        whitefly larvae are on the under-surface.  period (45 days onwards) when the plants   the day when cotton flowers and fruits
        Better results are achieved against jassids  are bearing fruiting bodies as flower buds   (bolls) are in abundance, but that is an-
        because both adults and nymphs, while  (squares), open flowers and bolls. But both   other story.
                                                                                                     Circle 4 on enquiry card

                                              Circle 5 on enquiry card  Circle 6 on enquiry card
                                                                                                    Vol. 38 No. 6   5
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