Page 7 - Vol.37-No.9
P. 7


                                              7KH 9LWDPLQ & FRQWHQW RI FKLOOL SHS-  are recognised as the hottest. The latter
                                            per is exceptional, outstripping sweet   are fairly small lantern-shaped red, or-
                                            pepper by almost a factor of two, and   ange and yellow peppers very popular
                                            EHLQJ ÞYH WLPHV KLJKHU WKDQ VWUDZEHU-  LQ WKH (QJOLVK VSHDNLQJ &DULEEHDQ LV-
                                            ry and citrus and a massive ten times   lands such as Trinidad where they are
                                            higher than ripe tomato, all mainstream   WUDGLWLRQDOO\ FDOOHG o&RQJRp SHSSHUV
                                            fruits commonly associated with high
                                            9LWDPLQ & FRQWHQW  ,Q DOO SUREDELOLW\
               (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)   WKHUH DUH RQO\ D IHZ o QLFKHp IUXLWV VXFK
                                            as blackcurrant (Ribes) and West Indian
                                            cherry  (Malpighia glabra)  that  have  a
        condiments – pepper sauces, pickles   KLJKHU 9LWDPLQ & FRQWHQW WKDQ FKLOOL
        and chutneys. Each has its own distinc-  peppers. Vitamin B complex and iron
        tive  colour,  consistency  and  flavour   contents are high and certainly within
        depending on other products such as   the top ten percent of all fruits and veg-
        papaya, limes, mango and tamarind   etables. Only in iron content (Fe) does   ,QQHU SDUW RI WKH FKLOOL SHSSHU FORVH WR
        used as bases, as well as a wide variety   sweet pepper match chilli pepper.  the seed is invariably the hottest part
        of herbs and other spices.                                                RI WKH IUXLW  3LFWXUH 'U 7HUU\ 0DEEHWW
        come more adventurous an increasing                                      Famous Asian bird peppers include
        niche market for fresh hot chilli peppers                               Pring-kee  new  [rat-turd  pepper]  of
        and preserves has become established                                    Thailand, so called because it’s small
        on the supermarket shelves of Europe                                    size (pods less than 2.5 cm long) and
        DQG 1RUWK $PHULFD  )UHVK  KRW oÞQJHUp                                   cone shape likens it to rat droppings
        FKLOOLHV DQG oELUG SHSSHUVp  UHG  RUDQJH                                DQG WKH q6LOLQJ /DEX\Rr LQ WKH 3KLOLS-
        and green) from countries like Thai-                                    pines.
                                               Ҋ%XOOHWҋ FKLOOL SHSSHU  ZKLFK DUH YHU\
        land and Bangladesh are now widely
                                                  KRW DQG VR FDOOHG EHFDXVH RI   The smaller the pod the hotter the
        available in Europe as are all sorts of       WKH EXOOHW OLNH VKDSH     pepper,  because  they  contain  (by
        chilli-containing preserves.               (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)
                                                                                weight) proportionately more seed and
          Sweet  peppers  are  largely  grown                                   seed membrane where the capsaicin is
        and consumed as a salad vegetable     &DSVDLFLQ  ZKLFK XQGHUSLQV WKH FX-  IRXQG  &KLOH SHSSHU EHFRPHV VZHHWHU
        and like tomato eaten raw. Nutritionists   linary uses of hot chilli peppers, has   and less hot as it ripens. Thus green
        make much of their composition and   a variety of other uses. It is an impor-  Thai chilli paste is hotter than the Thai
        especially that related to vitamins and   tant resource for the pharmaceutical   red variety.
        PLQHUDOV   &RQVXPHUV  JHQHUDOO\  EX\   industry for formulation into medica-
        and eat hot chilli to spice the food. In   tions such as ointments used to counter
        agricultural and culinary terms hot chil-  irritations associated with bruises and
        OL SHSSHUV  DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU oWDVWH DQG   sprains. Hot chilli peppers are used as
        flavour’  commodities  like  cinnamon   a natural insecticide to preserve the
        DQG QXWPHJ  DUH FODVVLÞHG DV VSLFHV   integrity of stored products including
        and,  therefore,  do  not  generally  re-  wheat grain and rice paddy against
        ceive the same nutritional interest and   insect pests such as weevils and bee-
        scrutiny as do sweet peppers. But hot   WOHV  &KLOOL SHSSHUV  SODFHG LQ WKH VWRUH
        chilli peppers completely outstrip their   together  with  the  grain  commodity,
                                                                                     ‘White hot’ and ‘red hot’ chilli
        PLOG DQG VZHHW oFRXVLQVp LQ YLWDPLQ DQG   provide a natural and safe means of   peppers? No, because these are long,
        mineral content.                    SURWHFWLRQ  &DSVDLFLQ  ZKLFK VWLPXODWHV   red and white sweet chilli peppers
                                            WKH WDVWH EXGV RI WKH KXPDQ oSUHGDWRUp    (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)
                                            is too much for considerably smaller
                                                                                 Drinking water or beer is not a good
                                              But it is the birds that are most able   way to cool down after eating chilli.
                                            to cope with hot chilli peppers. Bird   &DSVDLFLQ LV LQVROXEOH LQ ZDWHU ZKLFK
                                            pepper pods are so small that they are   VLPSO\  VSUHDGV  WKH  oÞUHp  DURXQG  WKH
                                            eaten whole by birds, breaking down   ERG\  'ULQN D JODVV RI PLON  &DVHLQ
                                            in the gizzard and allowing the capsai-  the protein found in milk, breaks the
            1RW VR KRW DQG IUHTXHQWO\ SLFNOHG   cin rich seeds to pass straight through.   bond between the body’s pain recep-
            whole, these long and pale-green   o%LUG SHSSHUVp ZKHWKHU IURP C. annuum
           coloured chilli peppers are popular   or C. frutescens DQG WKH o+DEHUQHURp DQG   tors and the capsaicin contained in hot
                   in Western Asia                                              chilli pepper.
               (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)   o6FRWFK %RQQHWp SHSSHUV RI C. chinensis
                                                                                                   &LUFOH   RQ HQTXLU\ FDUG
                                                                                                    Vol. 37 No. 9
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