Page 9 - AWA Vol. 37-5 issue
P. 9


        phosphorous are so basically involved   Potassium availability is affected by   BAYER ANNOUNCES NEW
        as building blocks and energy sourc-  soil pH but generally to a much lesser
        es, respectively, would not turn out to   extent than for other nutrients. In min-  COMMERCIAL LEADERS FOR
        D OLPLWLQJ IDFWRU ZKHQ LQ GHÞFLW  )RU   eral soils potassium availability starts   CROP SCIENCE DIVISION
        potatoes in particular, high nitrogen   WR GHFUHDVH DW S+   DQG LV VLJQLÞFDQWO\   TO ACCELERATE GROWTH
        OHYHOV FDQ RQO\ EH MXVWLÞHG ZKHUH DF-  affected below pH 5.5. In organic soils   AND DRIVE BUSINESS
        companied by high levels of phospho-  availability starts to decrease measur-   TRANSFORMATION
        rous and potassium.                 ably on both sides of the pH spectrum
                                            – pH 5.5 (acid) and pH 8.0 (alkaline).
                                              Provided soils have adequate clay
                                            and organic matter fractions relatively
                                            little potassium is lost from leaching
                                            into  ground  water  supplies.  But  on
                                            YHU\ VDQG\ VRLOV LW PD\ EH GLIÞFXOW IRU
                                            farmers to maintain levels of potassium
                                            at minimum requirement levels. The
                                            biggest amount of potassium loss is that   Rodrigo Santos      Brett Begemann
                                            taken out when crops are harvested.
                                                                                   Bayer  announced  that  Brett  Be-
                                            This in turn depends on the potassium
                                                                                 JHPDQQ   &KLHI  2SHUDWLQJ  2IÞFHU
                                            requirement for different crops at specif-  &URS  6FLHQFH   ZLOO  UHWLUH  IURP  KLV
                                            ic stages of growth and development.  role after 38 years with the compa-
                                              6RLO DQDO\VLV PHDVXUHV WKH OHYHO RI   ny.
                                            soluble potassium in soil water and the   5RGULJR  6DQWRV   FXUUHQWO\  +HDG
                                            pool of easily soluble and readily avail-  RI &URS 6FLHQFH &RPPHUFLDO 2SHU-
                                            able potassium in soil organic matter,   ations, Latin America, will succeed
                                            added manure and applied fertiliser.   Begemann  and  assume  global  re-
               Stone fruit tree crops like   6RLO OHYHOV RI SRWDVVLXP DUH H[SUHVVHG   VSRQVLELOLW\ IRU WKH GLYLVLRQpV FRP-
            QHFWDULQH VKRZQ KHUH EHQHÀW IURP   as milligrams/litre (mg/l) or as parts   mercial  organization,  reporting  to
               applications of potassium    per million (ppm).                   /LDP &RQGRQ  3UHVLGHQW &URS 6FL-
                                                                                 ence  and  Board  of  Management
               (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)     Generally  speaking  arable  crops,   Member at Bayer AG.
                                            H[FHSWLQJ oURRWp FURSV  UHTXLUH D PLQ-
                                                                                   6DQWRVp  UHSODFHPHQW  DV  +HDG  RI
                                            imum soil fertility level of 120-180 mg/l
          For  this  reason,  potassium  is  most                                &RPPHUFLDO 2SHUDWLRQV  &URS 6FL-
                                            potassium, while root crops and veg-
        commonly applied as a part of a NPK                                      ence,  Latin  America,  is  Mauricio
                                            etables  have  a  higher  180-250  mg/l   Rodrigues,  currently  Head  of  Fi-
        compound fertiliser where the numbers   potassium requirement. Crops with a
        accorded to the product tell the user                                    QDQFH  &URS 6FLHQFH  /DWLQ $PHU-
                                            notably high potassium requirement   ica.
        the per cent of each nutrient contained.
                                            LQFOXGH ,ULVK SRWDWR  6RODQXP WXEHUR-
        )RU H[DPSOH 13.          FRQWDLQV                                          “The  entire  Bayer  team  shares
                                            sum), sweet potato and tomato. Peas   their  thanks  and  appreciation  to
        per cent N, 10 per cent P2O5 and 10
                                            and beans generally have one of the   Brett  for  everything  that  he  has
        SHU  FHQW  . 2     7KH  EHQHÞW  RI  XVLQJ   lowest requirements.  Besides provid-
        compound fertilisers, which come in a                                    done throughout his long and suc-
                                            ing an indication of the concentration   cessful career at the company, and
        wide range of NPK ratios, is that farmers
                                            and level of soil potassium at any one   wish him all the best in his retire-
                                            time, regular analysis will check on the   PHQW r VDLG &RQGRQ  q:H DUH YHU\
        particular crop according to its growth                                  SOHDVHG WR QDPH 5RGULJR DV %UHWWpV
                                            various factors that deplete potassium
        and development needs.                                                   successor, as he brings extensive
                                            from the soil. Chief of these is removal
          3RWDVVLXP LV DEVRUEHG E\ WKH SODQWpV   and by crops which are subsequently   experience  that  will  allow  us  to
        roots from the soil solution in the form of   harvested.                 further  strengthen  our  leadership
        positively charged ions called cations                                   positions  around  the  world  and
                                                                                 drive  sustainable  growth  for  our
        (K+). This most immediately soluble
        and available pool of soluble soil po-                                   customers. Rodrigo is well-known
                                                                                 with  customers  in  Latin  America
        tassium is replenished by potassium
                                                                                 DQG LV KLJKO\ TXDOLÞHG  KDYLQJ OHG
        present in natural soil organic matter,
                                                                                 our fastest-growing business while
        organic  manure  and  potassium  fer-                                    successfully  completing  integra-
        tilisers applied to the crop.                                            WLRQ LQ D YHU\ G\QDPLF UHJLRQ r
          Further down the line are less readily                                   During his tenure with the com-
        available soil reserves contained in the                                 pany,  Begemann  held  several
        clay fractions of the soil.  These are less                              global  and  regional  leadership
        HDVLO\ TXDQWLÞHG DQG UDWH RI UHOHDVH                                     positions  and  had  responsibility
        depends on both the amount and type                                      for  global  commercial  and  oper-
        RI FOD\ SUHVHQW  6XIÞFH WR VD\ WKDW LW LV                                ations  teams  at  Monsanto  prior  to
        a dynamic situation. As potassium is                                     the acquisition by Bayer. As Pres-
                                                                                 LGHQW DQG &KLHI 2SHUDWLQJ 2IÞFHU
        added to the soil in manure and fer-    Nuts and seeds do not generally
                                                                                 at  Monsanto  Company,  he  led
        tiliser, and lost by leaching and crop   contain such high levels of potassium   global efforts to increase manufac-
        uptake, there is continual and appropri-  as fruits and vegetables, but some like   WXULQJ DQG VXSSO\ FKDLQ HIÞFLHQF\
        ate interchange of potassium between   VXQÁRZHU VHHGV FDQ VWLOO EH D JRRG   Circle 10 on enquiry card  DV  ZHOO  DV  WKH  FRPSDQ\pV  JURZWK
        WKH GLIIHUHQW oSRROVp WR PDLQWDLQ WKH VRLO   source of potassium         agenda.
        balance.                                   (Picture Dr Terry Mabbett)                    Circle 11 on enquiry card
                                                                                                    Vol. 37 No. 5
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