Page 3 - Vol.37-No.3 issue
P. 3

The most widely circulated agribusiness journal for Arab countries

                                            In This Issue : English
                                            Editorial: Acute hunger set to soar in over 20 Countries, warn fao and wfp .. 2
                                                                         Floragard Vertriebs-Gmbh : Floragard
                           Vol. 37 No. 3                                 Vertriebs-GmbH stands for .........................4

              Published nine times a year by                             Goweil :Why should i bale silage?  ............. 5

                P.O.Box:10131, 8  Floor                                 Horticulture :  Bayer to launch vanity citrus®,
                Bahrain Tower, Manama,                                  its newest biological product ................  6-10
                 Kingdom of Bahrain
                 Tel: +973 17 213 900
              E-mail:                              Environment Control : Basf presents roadmap
                               to climate neutrality  ............................. 11-12
                   Editor in Chief
                 Abdul Wahed Alwani                                     Food Processing : Transforming agri-food
                                                                        systems is powerful lever    .................. 13-16
               Arabic Graphic Designer
            Amr Farouk Abdel Hamid Hassan
                                                                        Poultry : Namib poultry receives ross 140 and
                Editorial Contributors                                  400 club awards for exceptional  .......... 18-20
                    Ben Wedeman
                   Fahd Alabdulla
                                                                        Big Dutchman : Innovative chain feeding
                     Izzat Feidi
                                                                        system for separate male feeding  ............  21
                   Salah Al Zubair
                                                                        Tractors : Austoft 8810 named machine of the
              International Copyright 2021                              year in brazil  ....................................... 22-23
                  All rights reserved
                   ISSN 0267-0216
              Registration No.: GAWA 122                                Crop Protection  : Feeding rice through the
                                                                        leaves  .................................................. 24-27
          Printed at Arabian Printing & Pub. House
                   W.L.L. Bahrain
                                                                        Education In Agriculture  : Beneficial bacteria
                Overseas Sales Agents
                                                                        help wheat survive in the heat  ............. 28-29
                EGYPT & MOROCCO
                Mohsen Akram El Borno
            10 Amin Zaki St., Koliat El Banat                           New Appointed :  .......................................  30
                Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
               Tel: 4170451 Fax: 4170180
                                            ARAB  WORLD  AGRIBUSINESS is  distrib-  tors and the publisher believe that the infor-
                Ediconsult International    uted to  18,005  agriculturists and  senior  mation contained in this publication is sub-
               Piazza Fontane Marose 3,     executives  involved in agriculture in Arab  stantially correct at the time of publication.
                 16123 Genova, Italy        countries. Farm owners, managers and hor-  However, both the editors and publisher must
            Tel: (10) 583 684 Fax: (10) 566 578  ticulturists,  government  officials,  agencies,  decline any responsibility for any action tak-
                                            experimental farm administrators, scientists,  en based on the information contained in this
                  SWITZERLAND               research and advisory workers, the agricul-  publication.
                  Thierry Honegger          tural faculties of universities, farm institutes   Subscription
                  Leadermedia S.A.          and associations, contractors, suppliers and   The  annual  subscription  charge  is  US$ 75.
            RouteD’Oron 2, Case Postale 166  distributors  of farm  requisites,  agricultur-  This includes airmail postage and a copy of
            CH-1010 Lausanne 10, Switzerland  al bank and credit institutions, chambers of   the ARAB AGRICULTURE annual. Orders for
           Tel: (21) 6535071 Fax: (21) 6521290  commerce,  veterinary surgeons  and  senior   subscriptions  must include  details  of your
                                            personnel  engaged in storage, processing
                UNITED KINGDOM              and marketing of agricultural products. Addi-  credit card or contact our accounts dept. and
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            Maldon, Essex. CM9 6AP, England  sies abroad.                       Reader Enquiry Services Cards
                 Tel: +44 1621 842 745                                          Each advertisement and some editorial items
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                                                                                                    Vol. 37 No. 3   1
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